Porter County Parks & Recreation

Porter County Parks & Recreation


Parks & Recreation

About Us

Porter County Parks and Recreation is committed to providing a gateway into the natural beauty of our area through programs and parks. Porter County Parks and Recreation is committed to delivering youth, adult and school programs to the residents of Porter County, while also providing a gateway into the natural beauty of our area through its unique parks and trails. Brincka Cross Gardens is located in Pine Township and offers a beautiful classical garden as well as a mile and a half of wooded trails. Dunn's Bridge stretches across the Kankakee River and is the only spot in the county where small boat access is available to the river. The Calumet Trail offers 9.1 miles of crushed limestone that runs between U.S. 12 and the Indiana Dunes State Park. Brookdale Park offers a sizeable fishing pond hidden behind an agricultural field.

Video Media


Brincka Cross Gardens
Wedding at the Sunset Hill Amphitheater
Meet the Animals at Sunset Hill
Trail running at Sunset Hill
Barn at Brincka Cross Gardens
Winter Lights at Sunset Hill
Dunn's Bridge
Camp FUNset

Rep/Contact Info

Becky Kreiger
Nichole Schaeser-Murray